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BuddyBears for Buddyhuis

YourSurprise provides 325 BuddyBears for families dealing with cancer

The Corona outbreak has influenced healthcare in many ways, only part of which is visible to the general public. There is also a huge impact that most people are unaware of, for example on children who have a parent with cancer receiving treatments in hospital. These children are unable to be near their parent during the treatments, as the risk of infection is too high due to the parent’s compromised immune system. A Dutch initiative called ‘Veel liefs’ (Lots of love) teamed up with the Buddyhuis (Buddy house) foundation in the St. Antonius hospital to put together a project involving bringing affected children closer to their parents through BuddyBears.

BuddyBears for comfort and communication

The idea behind the BuddyBears is that the bear can take the child’s place and accompany the parent to the hospital. Children find this a comforting idea, as they know their parent won’t be alone during their treatments. The BuddyBears also offer the chance to show children what happens at the hospital, as the parents can take pictures with the BuddyBear, to show the children at home. This gives the children a chance to talk about what is happening, better understand and work through their emotions.

The first BuddyBears and their new job

The first 150 BuddyBears were delivered to the hospital by Veel Liefs on 4 September 2020, where they were welcomed by foundation volunteers and passed on to parents that are sick. The BuddyBears have been ready to help ever since.

YourSurprise has now selected and prepared 325 BuddyBears

The Dutch Veel Liefs initiative asked YourSurprise to provide 325 bears for this project so far. As high standards are set for the BuddyBears, they went through an extensive selection round in which only bears with the best social skills were accepted. The 150 bears that passed the test were equipped with special BuddyBear t-shirts to make them easily recognisable. Before leaving, the bears told us they were very excited to get started on the important task ahead.


If you would like more information on the Buddyhuis foundation or Veel Liefs initiative, check out their websites:
Stichting Buddyhuis
Veel liefs